July 1, 2024

Shelby & Jellybean


Patriotic themed photo sessions are a huge favorite of mine and with the 4th of July coming up, it's even more fitting!

Shelby and Jellybean. Oh my, how I have loved watching these two grow together. I photographed the full journey of these two last year as Shelby trained Mustang Jellybean for both the AZ TIP Challenge and the Ft. Worth Mustang show. From the first time getting on her, to final portraits before the shows.

I was thrilled when Shelby was able to purchase her at the auction in Ft. Worth and bring her back home, where she clearly belongs.

She is such a good mare. One in a million.

Taking these images after photographing the whole journey last year, felt like icing on the cake for me and I couldn't be more thankful <3